Our Governors
The Role of the Governing Body
The school has an enthusiastic Governing Body who support the school and bring a variety of skills from their professional lives.
The role of the Governing Body is to ensure that the school is a safe and happy learning environment; is run effectively; maintains its high standards; and continues to develop.
The Governing Body oversees the strategic direction and running of the school and acts as a critical friend to the Senior Leadership Team.
Governors work in four committees: Finance, Personnel, Health and Safety and Premises and Curriculum committees which meet regularly each term. At least once a term a Full Governing Body meeting also takes place.
In addition, the Governing Body has a Strategic Committee made up of the Co-Chairs and Vice-Chair, and the Senior Leadership Team. We also have Committees that meet if required to consider pupil discipline and staffing matters.
- Governor Roles and Responsibilities
- Governor Meeting Attendance 2023-2024
- Committee Structure
- Governance Statement 2021-2022
- Governance Statement 2022-2023
- Governance Statement 2023-2024
How to Contact the Governing Body
The Governing Body are keen to engage with parents and members of the wider community so that they can work with us to ensure the success of the School and all of its pupils.
If you wish to share any suggestions, ideas or feedback please contact us at governors@heathkesgrave.suffolk.sch.uk